Provider List 2018
Contact: Clayton Evans, Deputy Director
Email: cevans@artsontheblock.com
Phone: 240-645-0730 -
Contact: Adrienne Clancy
Email: adrienne@clancyworks.org
Phone: 301-717-9271 -
Contact: Robyn Holstein-Glass
Email: rglass@projectchange-md.org
Phone: 301-257-4769 -
Kids Kitchen
Contact: Renee Prieolu
Email: kidskitchen05@hotmail.com
Phone: 202.320.5989 -
Big Learning
Big Learning
Jane de Winter
exec@biglearning.org -
Crittenton Services of Greater Washington
Contact: Nicki Sanders
Email: nsanders@crittentonservices.org
Phone: 202-302-8004 -
Future Makers
Contact: Matt Barinholtz
Email: matt@kidsmakethingsbetter.com
Phone: 202.390.2723 -
International Schools of the Future d/b/a I-School
Contact: Nuria Gabitova
Email: wizards@ischoolforthefuture.org
Phone: 703.261.4758 -
Leaders of Tomorrow Youth Center
Contact: Dana Carr dana.carr@ltyc.net
Email: dana.carr@ltyc.net
Phone: 443.742.4103 -
White Lotus Wellness Center
Contact: Anne Contee
Email: anne@whitelotuswellnesscenter.org
Phone: 443.254.2312 -
Camp Fire Patuxent
Contact: Rosemary Pezzuto
Email: rosemary.pezzuto@campfirepatuxent.org
Phone: 301.346.7860 -
Christopher Bowers
Contact: Christopher Bowers
Email: magicbymccauley@yahoo.com
Phone: 240.449.9394 -
Contact: Stephanie Burke
Email: sburke@abrakadoodle
Phone: 301.655.5448 -
Tatiana Martin
Contact: Tatiana Martin
Phone: 240.688.2645 -
Impact Silver Spring
Contact: Michael Rubin
Email: michael@impactsliverspring.org
Phone: 301.298.5117 -
Poach Sizzle Stir
Contact: Beth Szymanski
Email: info@poachsizzlestir.com
Phone: 301.704.7461 -
Passion 4 Learning
Contact: Cynthia Rubenstien
Email: passion4learning@aol.com
Phone: 301.589.1725 -
Madiana Margao
Contact: Madiana Margao
Email: madi@redsprinkle.com
Phone: 301.523.5536 -
NU-You Wellness&Fitness
Contact: Cory Morgan
Email: cmorgan@futurel.com
Phone: 301.537.0021 -
Kulture Shock Movement
Contact: Anastasia Akuffo-Afful
Email: abakuffoafful0@gmail.com
Phone: 301.503.6876 -
Paul Williams
Contact: Paul Williams
Email: paul@takefightinc.org
Phone: 240.839.1848 -
Victor Crisen
Contact: Victor Crisen
Email: rotcivo@hotmail.com
Phone: 240.401.6011 -
Nicole Rex
Contact: Nicole Rex
Email: rexroyaledesign@gmail.com
Phone: 240.315.6050 -
Intergalactic Education
Contact: Justin Park
Email: justin@intergalacticeducation.com
Phone: 240.274.7550 -
C.A.R.E. Actor
Contact: Pooja Chawla
Email: careactor@gmail.com
Phone: 240-780-2686 -
480 Club
Contact: Joseph Hooks
Email: jhooks4@gmail.com
Phone: 240-370-6372 -
Adventures in Art
Contact: Tatiana Martin
Email: tatiana.martin@gmail.com
Phone: 202-688-2645 -
Da Vinci Steam School
Contact: Alvaro Luna
Email: davinvisteamschool@gmail.com
Phone: 703-593-8437 -
F.S. Soccer
Contact: Peter Summerfield
Email: coachpete@fssoccer.com
Phone: 202-704-1179 -
World Class Futbol
Contact: Kokou Assigbe
Email: kokouassigbe@gmail.com
Phone: 240-354-4685 -
Cheer Madness
Contact: Mykol Whorley
Email: admin@cheermadnessmd.com
Phone: 240-408-0078 -
Red Sprinkle
Contact: Madiana Margao
Email: madi@redsprinkle.com
Phone: 301-523-5536 -
New Renaissance Arts
Contact: Darius Gaymon
Email: newrenaissancearts@gmail.com
Phone: 301-518-6979