Community Awareness and Advocacy: Montgomery County residents of all generations will understand and support the value of out-of-school time programs in preparing children and youth for positive futures that help sustain the local quality of life.
Quality Standards and Professional Development: Out-of-school time programs will be safe, culturally competent, developmentally appropriate and well run; all people who work with children and youth will be skilled in engaging them and supporting their intellectual, social-emotional and physical development.
Funding and Resources: An intentional mix of public and private funding and resources will create and sustain accessible, high quality programs.
Data and Accountability: Data that describes need and demand for programs, their availability, and their impact on youth will be available to guide decision-making.
EBB is offered at Montgomery County Middle Schools, including:
Argyle Middle School in Silver Spring
Roberto Clemente Middle School in Germantown
Forest Oak Middle School in Gaithersburg
Col. E. Brook Lee Middle School in Silver Spring
A. Mario Loiederman Middle School in Silver Spring
Montgomery Village Middle School in Montgomery Village
Neelsville Middle School in GermantownEBB’s programming provides students with immediate access to after-school recreational, educational and social programming, academic supports, nutritious meals, and transportation home. Additionally, EBB provides opportunities for professional development to all youth development practitioners.
The stakeholder committee recommended a leadership structure that provides for executive decision making in key areas, as well as operational leadership to facilitate the delivery of services at the identified school sites.
The EBB executive committee serves as an oversight and strategic planning entity for the EBB middle school program. It includes senior leadership representation from each of the partner agencies.
The coordinating committee provides collective operational leadership to all EBB school sites at a systems level. It includes school administrators from each participating site as well as youth development program managers.
The school site advisory committee addresses unique site based issues which assure successful delivery of programs. It includes school administrators, parents, students, community organizations, and program site staff.